Welcome to David@FRI & Cambridge


My name is David Modic, PhD. I am an assistant professor, Director of Studies, PI and the head of the security policy group at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Computer and Information Sciences.

I am an EU registered expert and reviewer (EX2021D500020), specialising in Information Security, Cyber Warfare, psychology of security and ethics of intelligent systems.

I hold a national and EU security clearance up to SECRET.

I am affiliated with Cambridge University's Computer Lab, a Senior Non-Residental Member of King's College, Cambridge, a visiting scholar at the Cambridge Institute of Criminology, and the former CamCERT Social Engineering Special Advisor.

The links above will lead you to my various academic pursuits.

If you wish to contact me for non University of Ljubljana business, send me an email:  david[at]modic.org (replace the [at] with @). For academic business, contact me at david.modic[at]fri.uni-lj.si

Until September 2017, I was Honorary University Fellow at the University of Exeter.  Link to my Exeter e-profile page.

I consult various governments on cybercrime and security (Brazil, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, UK), the military, and businesses (WebSense, CallCredit, Octopus group ...).



Visit: Cambridge red queen systems web page (a security consulting company I run) 



7-9th June 2024. The Jarše Youth Home 4th International Conference “Contemporary Challenges Of Working With At-Risk Youth”. Presentation titled: Ne vem kako so odkrili moj domač naslov! – Ranljive skupine in operativna varnost (ang. How did They Find out Where I Live? – Groups at Risk and Operational Security). Programme is here. Link to the accompanying article will appear here, once it is published.

13th April 2024. DragonSec organised DCTF in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I gave an invited talk: How Hard is Operational Security?.
8th March 2024. I did a podcast for DELO newspaper on infosec and psychology of fraud, called supermoč. You can watch me blab on youtube, here. Later, when the file is unavailable, I will be uploading the video to this page.
3rd January 2024. Last lecture in the Security of Organisations module. The module seems to have been well received. I've got an average grade of 4.98 out of 5 from the students.
13-14th December 2023. International Conference On Cyber Security And Elderly Adults in Elche, Spain. Invited talk titled: Does just being old really make you more susceptible to fraud?. Here is the link to the programme. Here is the link to the video of the talk: YouTube (I start at 2:16:30 or so). Local copy [Not available yet].
28th November 2023 Updated to Drupal 10.
14th November 2023 I am at Google Zurich attending an invite only event on scams and the Elderly. Gave a presentation. It is going to appear here.
1st October 2023 Started teaching an INFOSEC module - Security of Organisations. All the teaching is in English. Here is a description. Currently, I have 28 students attending.
25th April 2023 I am now the Director of Studies for the higher education programme of Computer and Information Science, at the Faculty for Computer and Information Sciences, University of Ljubljana. 
15th April 2023 Guest speaker at DragonSec DCTF2023 with a talk titled: "How to effectively hack the military". 
31st January 2023 I am a PI (at FRI) for a CAPTECH Cat/B European Defense Agency project, researching security of unmanned military vehicles.      
10th January 2023 I have been hired by the European Commission to evaluate another batch of EDF projects applications. Must be doing something right.
15th December 2022 I have been hired by the European Commission to evaluate defense projects applications. 
15th September 2022 I have been made the PI and Coordinator for the complete overhaul of the CS Faculty's post-secondary education programme. This will result (among other things) in a comprehensive INFOSEC course and in establishing a study SOC. 
15th September 2022 I am giving a keynote talk about Human Attack Vectors @Balkan SAYS (Security Architecture Youth Seminar) organised by the Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia. 
7th September 2022 Running an advanced INFOSEC workshop with a colleague, Miha Grohar for the Slovene Telecom technical staff.
10th May 2022. A book is coming out: Hanoch, Y., & Wood, S. (Eds.). (2022). A Fresh Look at Fraud: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives (1st ed.). London, UK: Routledge. I have written Chapter 8, about auction fraud. Check it out. 
10th April 2022. I am giving a talk about social engineering at the DragonSec capture the flag event at the Faculty for Computer and Information Sciences, Uni of Ljubljana.
December 2021. Got vetted for a EU and national security clearance level of up to SECRET.
16th September 2021.Running an advanced INFOSEC workshop for Slovene Telecom. Slides and presentation are proprietary (for participants only).
September 2021. Promoted to Assistant Professor at the University of Ljubljana.
10th August 2021. Participated with Gorazd Božič (head of SiCERT) and dr. Uroš Svete (deputy head of the Government Information Security Office) in a SLO Radio 1 panel show Studio ob 17.00, titled Cybersecurity 2021. Online copy is here. Local copy is here [SLO, MP3, 49Mb].
21st July 2021. An interview with Andrej Rupnik (former head of SOVA) and me at the N1 TV Station on the topic of PEGASUS and INFOSEC. Local copy of the video is here [SLO, MP4, 288Mb].
17th May 2021. I gave an inauguration lecture at University of Ljubljana, on Internet fraud and social pedagogues. The lecture is a part of the confirmation process into assistant professorship at the University of Ljubljana. The presentation is here [SLO, PPTX, 5Mb].
26th January 2021. Slovene Academy for arts and sciences is organising a panel on Cyber Security [Kibernetska varnost in varovanje zasebnosti]. I'll be giving a short talk titled: Is INFOSEC only for real manly men? [Je Informacijska varnost samo za “prave dedce”?]. The whole event was on YouTube (currently marked as private). Local video of my part (in Slovene) is here [380Mb, MP4]
14th December 2020. Moved to a new CMS version. Welcome to the new site. 
11th November 2020. Runing a Cybersafety in times of COVID workshop at the uni.minds festival. Here is the agenda. The link to the livestream on YouTube. A local copy [MP4, 480Mb, ENG]. 
1st October 2020. Giving a talk at the Privacy days Conference in Ljubljana on Cambridge Analytica and the resulting fallout. 
17th September 2020. Running an advanced INFOSEC workshop with a colleague, Miha Grohar for the Slovene Telecom technical staff. 
15th July 2020. FRI signs a long-term research and INFOSEC consulting contract with Sava Insurance group. I am the PI for that project.
15th June 2020. Appointed head of security policy group at FRI.
17th June 2020. Free Webinar titled INFOSEC and COVID-19. Part of Slovene Psychological Society Monthly Seminar Series. I was one of three speakers. My presentation is here [Local copy, 62Mb, MP4, SLO].
28th May 2020. Free Webinar titled Fraud in the time of COVID-19. Part of FRI Academy COVID-19 lecture series. Here is an online version of the webinar in full [SLO]. Local copy is here [110Mb, MP4, SLO].
23rd January 2020. Running an INFOSEC course at FRI Akademija. Enroll here CANCELLED!
12nd December 2019. Giving an Invited talk at Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology on InfoSec. Slides are here.
25-26th November 2019. Running an INFOSEC two-day course at FRI Akademija.
21st November 2019. Presenting to the board of Zavarovalnica Sava (three hour talk on the state od INFOSEC). Presentation is embargoed.
22nd October 2019. Giving a keynote on INFOSEC at CyberSecurity event at the governmental palace - Brdo (organised by Finance and A1). More info. Photos from the event are here. Presentation is here. Local copy is here [PDF].
18th October 2019. An interview with me for the Slovene National Radio ARS (show: Podobe znanja). Here is the link to the show. Local copy is here [MP3, 30Mb].
8th October 2019. Participation in a Slovene National Radio Panel show Studio ob 17. An hour long daily panel show where Marko Grobelnik (IJS), Gorazd Božič (SiCERT) and me chatted about INFOSEC. Link to the archive is here. Local copy is here [MP3, 51Mb].
19th September 2019. Giving a talk about Internet persuasion at the 8th International Congress of Slovene Psychologists. The slides will appear here after the talk [in Slovene].
22nd May 2019. Giving a talk about penetration testing at the Microsoft NTK Conference in Bernardin, Slovenia. 
17th March 2019. Two hours long interview on slovene national radio 1 at midnight. Slovene Radio podcast link. Local link here [mp3 in Slovene language].
26th February 2019. Appeared on the show KODA (National Television), discussing Internet fraud in general. The show is in Slovene language. Online link is here (I appear around 7th minute). Here is a local copy [460MB / mp4]
20th February 2019. Giving a talk about lonely hearts swindles at an event organized by SI-CERT. The slides are here [pptx].
21st December 2018. Giving a talk about my research the 3rd symposium of Slovene researchers educated abroad, an VTIS event at the Slovene Ministry of Education. Slides in Slovene are here [pptx].
1st October 2018. Started as a lecturer and researcher at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science.

 ​older news are here





Last update on: 14th June, 2024